Thursday 31 October 2013

Never Been so Happy

(So since he read this I needed to change somethings that he might of laughed at... Thank you darling)

I started college two months ago and about two weeks in I met this one guy in my theory class on a Friday and we started talking a lot, we actually talked that whole weekend and started spending a lot of time together. On pretty much all of our breaks between class then we started hanging out during the weekends as well. I spent all of my free time with him. He told me that he liked me, I wasn't sure that I was ready for that. Boy was I wrong. A few weeks went by and we were still spending all of our time together and having fun. Eventually I told him that I started to have feelings for him as well. Sometimes things don't go as planned. The day after I told him how I felt he told me that he didn't want to be in a relationship with me, we wont get into why yet it made both of us really sad. I believe that it was the next day that he decided that he couldn't not be with me, I could not be any happier than at that moment. This guy is absolutely amazing! I've never had anyone care about me as much as he does! He accepts all my crazy little things and is happy with the way that I am. He cares so much about me and does what ever he can  to make me happy and not sad. Just pure perfection. In a true relationship you accept each other for how you are and don't try to change each other, that's how we are together. I don't try to change him! He is such an sexy guy as well ;) . Oh some of the best things?! He's a darn hockey player! Its amazing, I went to one of his hockey games and I love seeing him play! Also another darn good thing?! He's a drummer!! So amazing!! I looooove just sitting there and watch him play! He's to darn cute :) He will never leave the house without his darn hat, sometimes when we're running late and he has to go back in to get it it drives me insane yet hes  to darn amazing to not let him go back and get it! Also he looks pretty darn sexy with it on ;). I get so happy when I see him or even when I see his name pop up on my phone or computer, always makes my day! I'm so happy and lucky! :)

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