Sunday 1 September 2013

Colour Run!

Say what? I did the happiest 5k on the planet!! The most fun thing I have done in a long time! The aim to the run is simple! You run, walk or jog through a course just like a regular race but there are some awesome 'colour stations!' Here's an example! Blue!

This was an awesome day! Just running ( more like walking) through colour stations and getting covered in a bunch of different colours! Throughout the race there is four colours: Pink, Blue, Yellow and Orange! At the end they give you one pack of colour for free and you may buy more colours and they have extra colours and I believe the extras are green and purple! So you have sort of a 'party' at the end where there is a bunch of people opening their colours and its exploding everywhere and you get absolutely covered in colour because that is all that you can see! Its full of colour powder in the air and it gets all over everyone just absolute fun! 

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