Thursday 22 August 2013


I got my first pair of works boots today! Took me a couple of weeks to finally make my decision of which fit  the best on my feet! Of course I had to go with a mans boot because a women's is to tight on my fat feet but I went with the Kodiak Blue 8 inch boot!

These are such comfortable boots! I love them! I tried on the women's boot in the style yet it wasn't as comfortable as the mans boot! Not every women can fit into a mans boot because you have to drop a couple of sizes yet the size 7 boot for a man fits amazingly on my feet! Also something that's a priority for me is if the boot is cute! And of course this boot is cute! It isn't to bulky and the colour (for now) is awesome. The colour will change to a better colour when they get dirty with grease and oil!! Also I love the rubber on the toe, it'll help with scuffs! woot! These boots are awesome! The inside is comfortable and they aren't bulky and heavy! I'm so happy of the decision that I made! Can't wait to get in the shop and start getting dirty! So exciting!

If anyone knows a company that sells pink laces for work boots let me know cause that would be awesome! I wanna make them girly!

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Unfair toward female mechanics!

The stereotypes of female auto mechanics is greatly over exaggerated!  When I ask you to close your eyes and picture a female mechanic most men and even some women will picture a girl in nothing but her bikini holding a wrench leaded up against a vehicle, with her hair done up all nicely and with beautiful make up on! Like in the music video by dustin lynch She Cranks My Tractor. 
There is no women who would really do their work looking like this!! It's ridiculous! See the high heels? I do not think it would even be possible to work like that! Not to mention dangerous! Of course men would think that it's sexy but I do not think that it's even practical. Is it worth it? who just works on vehicles know that you do not work on vehicles in just your bikini or barely any clothing! Frankly it is just unsafe in the first place and also would be pretty uncomfortable. Ladies would you really want to be constantly worrying if you have a boob that's going to come out? 
No of course not if you love what you do and that's being a mechanic you would want to worry about getting the part you need or looking for that specific tool and getting your job done! 
Te safest things and most practical things to wear are, steel toe boots
some long work pants
and a tshirt that doesn't have a bunch of cleavage showing! 
 It baffles to me see how men stereotype women in the male dominant careers! When I started telling people that I wanted to go to school to become a mechanic many of the guys I went to high school with would laugh at me cause of course it's ridiculous that a girl wants to become an amazing mechanic! Of course men have some advantages over women in the mechanic field, strength for an example! When I change the oil in my car I always get my father to tighten the oil filter because he has more gripe than me and can high tighten it more than I can. But that will not stop me! I start school in a couple of weeks and I will give it my 100% and try to be at the top of the class! 
All that I want in the world is for women being able to become a mechanic without any discrimination! There is alot of women out there who want to be a mechanic yet cannot because they do not want to experience the discrimination! To me it's an amazing thing for women getting their hands dirty and doing their own dirty work! Even if women don't want to be a mechanic as a career I think that they should at least be able to work on their own vehicle! Just to have their own independence! 

Monday 12 August 2013

ALLERGIES! Reactine! *

Oh great it's allergy season! Ragweed it is! 
Such an awesome plant to be allergic to! Can barely breath during the season' it may have just barely started and its only medium today I feel horrible! 
But thank The Lord that I have my reactine! Best allergy medication I have ever taken! It's the only medication that's reasonably priced and that helps with my worst symptom- itchy mouth! It's also awesome for itchy eyes! Which means I can still wear eye makeup during the season! Yay! Helps with my stuffed up nose as well! Just awesome stuff! 
* I was not asked to to this review. These are based on my experiences.* 


The fact that I'm starting college in 22 days makes me unbelievably nervous! I can't believe that I will actually be starting my post secondary education soon! Of course I can't wait to start to be on my way of becoming a mechanic yet there's still so much that I need to accomplish before I can start my dream job! The years of hard work to accomplish this is coming up and not to sure how ill be able to handle it!
I get to attend an amazing college that I am so excited for and I get to be in an almost brand new building the building of technology
 It's an amazing building and its exciting that at least all my classes for the first semester are in one building only! Woohoo I'm the lucky one there! So excited to start doing something I love!! 

Monday 5 August 2013


The fact that Luke Bryan's album is coming out in exactly a week makes me unbelievably excited! Just can't wait to be listening to the Crash My Party album! So much excitement! The samples that are on iTunes are just a teaser! I need to listen to the album! Luke Bryan is positively the most amazing country singer! I cannot get enough of his voice! I own every single song he has! The fact that I have to wait a whole week for the new album is going to drive me completely insane! The sample song that came on the radio That's My Kind of Night just shows me how amazing the rest of the album will be! Too bad Luke Bryan isn't coming to Canada during his Dirt Road Diaries I would totally be going! It's absolutely insane! I'd love to see my favourite country singer live! It would be insane! 

Oil change!

Finally for the opportunity to use my socket set I got for graduation! Change the oil in my car finally! Pretty happy about it! What girl doesn't like getting covered in oil and grease! Sounds like the absolute perfect day to me! Plus on top of that just rocking out to the awesome country station BX93! Woot gotta say just an awesome day of getting all dirty with oil and grease laying under my car and using my own socket set!